Sunday, February 8, 2015

The 11th Hour

It has been a while since I looked,let alone rant in my trusted blog, I wonder why, what has changed and what remains the same.  Off late, well, 2 years and 4 months to be exact, I put myself in an exile, exile from being and living up to my truest potentials. Engulfed myself in negativity,swimming with nay Sayers and ill-wishers. What caused this, I ask myself, well honestly, I don't know. It might have to do with the many failures I've come across, the many heart aches and the many blocks I've stumbled upon in my journey of life. I forgot what it meant to dream, i forgot what it is like fight, with a burning passion, fight,like there's no tomorrow. The child in me,was dead...

The 11th hour arrived, arrived when it shouldn't have. It was too late, the train of life had arrived and left several times by now, too grief stricken to board, too ambitious to let go. It has been a dilemma these past years, between right and wrong, happiness and sadness, but what was one to do? Age had caught up by now, no longer the boy in his 20's with the world at his feet. All that was left was a newly minted man in his 30's, taking life, one day at a time, doing what's right to him and not living to what was him rightfully. The him that he grew into, the him he was raised to become, the him he aspired to be.

Dear 11th hour, I thank you for coming, although too late, you came, you showed and you became my tomorrow. A tomorrow that I could live with, without fretting upon my mistakes, a tomorrow where I could be me. Thank you, o' 11th hour!

My 11th hour, you have showed me, what I truly am made off, what I can achieve, if I put my mind to it. Being raised with the phrase truth alone triumphs, I had my doubt that I would see this day, but prove me wrong you did, I'm humbled I must say.

11th hour, I should thank all those concerned, or catalysts I should say, for without them, there would be no today. Challenged me they have, insults one time or two, but one thing they could never have, was the blessings I have, a blessed soul in many ways.

Blessed with all fine things in life, blessed with love, blessed with the ability to give and receive love without creed, colour nor class. For it is this blessing that made me realise your arrival, your arrival to take me open my path, towards the journey I should take to the a destination unknown to my humbled soul.

I promise you o' 11th hour, that I shall take your presence as a sign, a sign that I need not be discovered, for only things lost need to be found. I promise that with all my souls might, in whatever physical condition I may be, I shall persevere, I shall fight, fight for the old me,fight for the unclaimed territory that has been allotted to me.

It may not be a crusade, for choosing the path of love as compared to hate has always been a choice I have made, but a fight, is a fight, no mistake...

-my 2 cents-