Saturday, April 14, 2012

Freedom of Association

Wikipedia describes Freedom of Association as the individual right to come together with other individuals and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests. This includes intellectual,thought,speech and assembly. Who are we to comment on lives of other if a school of intellectually or mentally challenged individuals decide to assemble, share thoughts with their fellow intellects.
Recent case of this one gentleman being beaten up by an individual know to him for no apparent reason seems all too comical to the mortal mind to digest.It is an open secret that when a bunch of individuals gather around being themselves rebellious in nature,they tend to say things that they might not mean or even if they did,its usually something they wish they could attain.Well, that is freedom of association, it is their right to say or do things,and so is it the right of others to rebel against it,a simple case of you step my toe,i cut yours off.It might sound cruel or even intimidating,but that's life,its unfair to the challenged.
Has it ever struck anyone what this guy who got rolled might have said or done for such a thing to be done towards him? In this case, the attacker hails from a back ground that has more to lose if matters surface,so what could have sparked such actions by someone with such high credentials?
Well, i choose not to comment on the matter. For i know, that idiots shall remain idiots.Behind all that cockiness and bravado lies a soul that's always in denial.Never once have these individuals been taken to task on things they've said.Call that fair? i don't think so...
So why all this noise when finally someone decides to put you in your place for something you said? You and your bunch of like minded people too coward to face the music? Being a fan of Adolf Hitler, i totally support the idea of population control and neutering individuals deemed unfit. No harm could arise from this, we'll have lesser idiots to deal with in future. I know many would disagree with my statement and rise in anger, but well,its my right to freedom,my freedom of association...


1 comment:

Aimaniac said...

I couldn't agree more. Idiots are a nuisance to the people around them, only think of themselves most of the time, let alone contribute to their country. An idiot may win a battle once in a blue moon, but never wins a war.